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Rabbits Viruses

The Calici Virus

For information on the Calici Virus  CLICK HERE


In mid January 2016, Lady Charlotte, a special needs rabbit in Rabbit Run-Away Orphanage’s foster care program became ill at her foster home and later died, Lady Charlotte was vaccinated and her vaccination was up to date. A second rabbit in the foster carer’s household also died. Vaccination of the 2nd rabbit was not confirmed. Autopsy and biopsy on both rabbits conducted by our vets and Government Biosecurity confirmed the cause of death was RHVD Type 2  


So what does this mean?   To our knowledge this is the first confirmed case of RHVD Type 2 in Victoria.

In 2023 a vaccine for the Calici Virus, for RHVD Type 2, became available in Australia called FILAVAC.

Myxomatosis was introduced into Australia in the 1950's to control the wild rabbit population. There is no vaccination for Myxomatosis in Australia.  There is n vaccine available in Australia.  For information on the Myxomatosis Virus CLICK HERE

A rabbit named Lady Charlotte

Lady Charlotte RIP Jan 2016


What we know:


  • Before the new vaccine arrived in Australia

  • Lady Charlotte was 4 yrs 6 months of age approximately when she died.

  • She was vaccinated with an old vaccine on 23 April 2015 and died mid Jan 2016 (8mths and 2 weeks after the vaccine was administered). 

  • There were 4 other rabbits in the same home and 3 were not affected to date. One died from the same virus as Lady Charlotte.

The Myxomatosis Virus

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A picture of Lara, a bunny, in a hind leg harness

Opening Hours


Rabbit Run-Away Orphanage


19 Stanley Street,

Olinda, VIC 3788

Tuesday to Saturday 

1-3pm by Appointment


Ph: 03 9751 1229


Volunteer With Us

Volunteer is a great way to help our orphaned rabbits, and meet new people and to extend your understanding of rabbit husbandry and care. Volunteer with us now

Parking on the property is limited. We have a very steep driveway with no turning space.

If you are worried about our steep driveway, please park on the Mt Dandenong Tourist Rd near the Mt Dandenong Hotel, walk past the Vet, turn into Illoura St then left into Stanley St.  Our property is on the left, only a 5 minute walk.


PLEASE NOTE: There is NO public parking in Stanley St.  Please DO NOT park in resident's driveways or in front of their homes, as this disrupts the neighbours access and parking for their family/visitors.

Copyright © 2024 Rabbit Run-Away Orphanage | ABN:  42 975 123 153

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