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About us

RABBIT RUN-AWAY ORPHANAGE is a non-profit organisation and operates as an incorporated association. It is a public charity, run by a committee of management and a small dedicated group of volunteers. The Orphanage receives no government funding and is reliant on donations and fundraising. It is an entity that belongs to all people that care about the welfare of pet rabbits.


Rabbit Run-Away Orphanage aims to:

  • provide care for sick, unwanted, stray, or mistreated rabbits

  • facilitate

    • appropriate short-term care

    • medical treatment

    • rehabilitation treatment

    • long-term re-homing solutions

  • educate the public on rabbit ownership and care

  • prevent unnecessary euthanasia of rabbits

  • discourage cruelty to rabbits


Judi & Bryce Inglis have been advocates for the companion pet rabbit and involved in animal welfare work and education for a number of years.


What We Do

For more information on what Rabbit Run-Away Orphanage is all about, check out our info sheet here.


Where do the rabbits come from?

Rabbits come to Rabbit Run-Away Orphanage as ‘overflows’ from other animal shelters, council pounds, private rescues and vet clinics throughout Victoria. Rabbits also come to the orphanage as a result of being dumped, neglected, or rescued through the orphanage’s rescue service.

Sponsor our VIB (very important bunnies) here

Charity Status

Rabbit Run-Away Orphanage was officially formed and received charity status in July 2009 and represents the consolidation of their work. Judi and Bryce continue to work tirelessly to have the pet rabbit included under animal law and to educate the public to the needs and nature of this unique pet.  To find out more about our past activities...

Check out our bi-monthly newsletters


House Rabbit Society Chapter

Judi & Bryce formed the first chapter of the esteemed House Rabbit Society in October 2013. They are also educators for the House Rabbit Society, the oldest and most respected rabbit welfare charity in the world.

More about House Rabbit Society Australia Chapter


Humble Beginnings

Judi & Bryce’s passion for the pet rabbit was born in 2003 when two bunnies arrived through a hole in their back fence. The two young giants were Hiro and Chi (RIP). The couple was intrigued by their intelligence and unique nature, and when they became aware of the high number of rabbits dumped in night boxes at shelters and subsequently euthanised, their journey into pet rabbit welfare began.  They had eight rabbits in their own bunny family prior to starting the rescue.  Chi, Hiro, Mali, Tai, Tulip, Lori, Gia, and Fleur.


A picture of Tai and Mali, two bunny rabbits

Tai and Mali (RIP)

A photo of Gia, a bunny rabbit

Hiro & Chi (RIP) 

A picture of Fleur, a bunny rabbit
A picture of Hiro and Chi

Gia (RIP) 

A picture of Judi and Bryce, holding a bunny named Tai

Judi & Bryce with Tai (RIP) 

A picture of Lori, a bunny rabbit

Lori (RIP) 

Fleur  (RIP) 

A picture of Tulip, a bunny rabbit

Tulip (RIP) 

PayPal ButtonPayPal Button
A picture of Lara, a bunny, in a hind leg harness

Opening Hours


Rabbit Run-Away Orphanage


19 Stanley Street,

Olinda, VIC 3788

Tuesday to Saturday 

1-3pm by Appointment


Ph: 03 9751 1229


Volunteer With Us

Volunteer is a great way to help our orphaned rabbits, and meet new people and to extend your understanding of rabbit husbandry and care. Volunteer with us now

Parking on the property is limited. We have a very steep driveway with no turning space.

If you are worried about our steep driveway, please park on the Mt Dandenong Tourist Rd near the Mt Dandenong Hotel, walk past the Vet, turn into Illoura St then left into Stanley St.  Our property is on the left, only a 5 minute walk.


PLEASE NOTE: There is NO public parking in Stanley St.  Please DO NOT park in resident's driveways or in front of their homes, as this disrupts the neighbours access and parking for their family/visitors.

Copyright © 2024 Rabbit Run-Away Orphanage | ABN:  42 975 123 153

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